
Gene X Hwang

His passion for being on the forefront of social responsibility and his actions to have Orange become the first photography studio to receive the San Francisco Green Business designation is a reflection of the core values Orange was created from. Gene is in charge of developing our photography team and his background working with large corporate clients and marketing communications during the initial dot-com boom in the late 90s has given him an insider understanding and perspective that helps clients today. Considered one of San Francisco’s premier event photographers for his unique style and talent for capturing events, Gene is one of the most sought after photographers in the city.

Favorite Hobby?
Pinball!  I’ve been addicted since I stumbled upon a tournament whilst in Portland and have not looked back!

Favorite Artist?
In photography, I really like Edward Burtynsky‘s work but there are so many great photographers out there.  

Favorite Place to Eat/ Favorite Food?
I guess people know I love to hit up In-N-Out Burger whenever I am traveling to a shoot, but I eat more than just that.  Have to say that after a trip, I love getting a Mission style burrito, pupusas or some sushi!

Do you have any special/hidden talents?
I guess I can do a little bit of slackline walking which not a lot of people may know.  Um, and I used to play the trombone so a hidden talent now is playing terrible trombone! 🙂

What inspires you?
I get inspired by people more than anything: people who make an impact, or how people can affect the world.  More in a positive manner but I feel that we all have a responsibility to contribute to the world in a positive way and leave it better for future generations.  This applies both in how you treat people, but just as importantly in how you treat the earth.

What’s your favorite thing about photography?
My favorite thing about photography is how it allows you to share how you see the world.  I originally wanted to be a photojournalist and one of the things I liked best about that was how you were bringing the world to people.  I realized though early on that there is no such thing as totally objective photography.  Even in the news business every photographer brings a part of themselves to the images that they create.

Error validating access token: Session has expired on Friday, 03-May-24 14:19:01 PDT. The current time is Thursday, 13-Mar-25 12:08:35 PDT. There is nothing to show here!