So we use tape for all sorts of things as I’m sure all photographers do so we decided to create a top ten list so here it goes:

1) Gaffers – the prototypical multi-use tape – too bad it’s not cheaper!
2) duck tape – you can pretty much fix all sorts of things with this…
3) double-sided – need to attach two things?  this is it!
4) scotch – we all need some scotch tape for general office type stuff
5) fashion tape – what woman (or man) hasn’t used this when working that awesome strapless dress? No Janet Jacksons with this stuff!
6) painters tape – need to repaint that wall?  touch up something?  tape up light leaks on your Holga?
7) electrical – also good for covering light leaks and seal up rips
8) packing tape – well, mostly just for packages and deliveries
9) fabric tape/first aid – pretty much as the name says
10) foam tape – yep this is actually more fun than regular double-sided but in a different way

Tell us what other tapes you like!