Same Sex Weddings in San Francisco

2008-06-17T14:26:19-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back|Tags: , , , , |

I planned to stay longer, but had to jet back after 15 minutes, so just a few shots from the historic weddings at San Francisco City Hall (see our previous post from the 2004 weddings first authorized by Mayor Gavin Newsom here!)


Also, speaking of weddings and changing the way things are done, for wedding food leftovers a really good program is to have Second Harvest pick up any leftovers and donate them to the local homeless […]

welcome megaphone

2008-06-05T16:46:50-07:00By |Categories: Personal|Tags: |

We acquired a megaphone this week – a most useful device. It has already boosted productivity in the studio 25% and it came especially handy for this group shot in front of the Mark Hopkins Hotel. Here’s Jack in action positioning 200 people for this massive group photo!

Andria and the megaphone are a nice match.

First Exposures Opening Reception

2017-07-24T20:47:31-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back|Tags: |

first exposures

This past semester of mentoring has been really enjoyable for me as part of the First Exposures program. The culmination of the program this period is a show titled “You Must be Mistaken” – here’s the details on the opening:

As many of you know it’s been a busy year for us and it wouldn’t be complete without […]

Gyros revisited

2017-07-24T20:47:31-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , |

So this past weekend during First Exposures mentoring I was out taking photos with one of the mentees and came across this new gyro woman ad – this time for Chicken Gyros. I hadn’t seen this one and it is nice to see a new addition to the library of stock gyro women in the posters (as we’ve noted before on our blog). My mentee was mostly documenting graffiti and I actually was able to learn a [...]

Bay to Breakers 2008

2008-05-21T12:45:09-07:00By |Categories: Point of View, Projects|

They’re up! Check out the photos from Bay to Breakers 2008. Can you believe all this happened before 10:30am? It was an early start Sunday morning, but we powered through on mimosas and all that zany energy in the air. Some of my favorite were the Tetris folks and Girl with A Pearl Earring with her very own Vermeer. oh yeah and the return of the Elvises.Your favorites?

Creativity Explored 25th Anniversary Benefit

2017-07-24T20:47:32-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , |

Last night Creativity Explored had their 25th Anniversary Benefit at Foreign Cinema. The event had a silver theme to it (25 years, the silver anniversary) and most of the artists, mentors, board members and supporters were on hand on a beautiful and balmy evening. Creativity Explored does some great work and if you are an artist yourself or a supporter of the arts, CE is a great organization to get behind. In their own words, they are [...]

Bay to Breakers 2008 photo booth and bar!

2017-07-24T20:47:32-07:00By |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , , |

How convenient! Our studio is located right along the Bay to Breakers race course. Yet again, we’ll be setting up a bar and photo shoot for all the hams. This image was taken at last year’s party. Racers and cheering fans alike are invited to de/rehydrate at our “red cup” station. We’ll be out there 8:30am – ???

Past years Bay to Breakers photos:
2007 Bay to Breakers photos
2006 Bay […]

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