Girls Day at the Boys and Girls Club

2017-07-24T20:47:33-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Point of View|

It was just us girls at the Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco event Saturday. They’ve created a fantastic clubhouse complete with pool tables, computer lab, photo studio, darkroom, and silk screening. The girls were really showered with attention by all the volunteers. Was great to see and document.

The other Olympics…

2017-07-24T20:47:33-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|

So while the Olympic torch was stashed away for Wednesday’s torch run, and a rally was held at United Nations Plaza to support Tibet, there was another event going on in the same spirit of the Games… the Arby’s Olympics – held at San Francisco’s only Arby’s in the Outer Sunset. The event was organized on Yelp and was an eclectic group of folks. The idea was hatched last year at Scott Howard of all places and [...]

Eat, Drink, Be Merry!

2017-07-24T20:48:26-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|Tags: |

orange exposure event photography san francisco convention photographers
So we had a rare evening off and took the studio out to dinner and drinks last night. We had a solid dinner at the Oak Room at the Westin St. Francis and then went for drinks at Bacchus Kirk following. Now it’s back to more client holiday party photography as we’ll be doing about ten over the next couple days… Happy Holidays!

Compassionate Chefs Cafe

2007-11-14T17:19:53-08:00By |Categories: Giving Back|

Myleen and I donated part of our lazy Sunday to shoot this year’s Compassionate Chefs Cafe at the very delicious New Delhi Restaurant on Ellis Street. This was a lively Bollywood-themed event that benefitted both the Tenderloin After School Program in San Francisco and the Gandhi Ashram of New Delhi. We hear they raised over $16K! If you’re interested in working with Orange as part of our Social Photography program, please let us know.

Lauren Greenfield: Thin

2017-07-24T20:48:27-07:00By |Categories: Point of View, Projects|

Thin is a film by photographer Lauren Greenfield, a member of VII, and someone with whom I share an interest in how womens body image is affected by society and media. I first met her at her opening at Robert Koch gallery in San Francisco for Girl Culture and have followed her work since then. Thin takes a look at anorexia and follows several women in a treatment facility in Florida. It’s a documentary that is a [...]

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