Supporting the Arts

2006-05-08T20:43:13-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Point of View|

As part of our Social Photography program, we often like to support other arts organizations, and Southern Exposure is a very cool group. We shot Momentum, their Annual Spring Fundraiser and Art Auction and one of the pieces up for the live auction was this Gus Van Sant piece. Personally I liked a piece that ended up going for upwards of $800 so I wasn’t able to take it home.

xeno kids

2006-03-25T23:42:17-08:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|

We shoot a lot of events where there are various performers doing their stuff. One of the ones I always enjoy is the Xeno performance collective. This girl in particular always catches my attention and I know that Orange photographers have got all sorts of cool shots of her.

From the inside

2006-03-01T16:10:36-08:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|

This week I’ve shot a couple interior/setup shots of places I’ve previously photographed and at the Hyatt they did a really nice job with it. Here are two looks at the same room with just the lighting adjusted.

The first shot…

2006-02-21T13:08:57-08:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|

Oftentimes I find that the very first shot taken turns out quite interesting. The subjects are usually relaxed in the sense that it’s not an ‘official’ shot but more to get composition, lighting, etc. In this case, I was shooting the overall champion of the 2006 Ironman figure championships, Halcyon Duarte, the morning after the competition and we finally got some sun and some warmth. She was just getting ready when I snapped this.

happy new year

2006-01-02T15:56:36-08:00By |Categories: Personal|

Our friends at Delicious Karma threw a wonderful sexy party and of course i got plenty of great candid photos. but what keeps entertain is finding the ‘art’ in party.

the buddha collection

2017-07-24T21:19:33-07:00By |Categories: Projects|

I recently visited Spirit Rock Meditation Center up in Marin for a few days of “relaxation”. I wasn’t suppose to ‘work’ but being a photographer at such an serene and beautiful place didn’t leave much choice in the matter. I’ve been interested in statues of buddha (specifically his facial features) for some time now and at some point i may build on a decent collection of imagery around the subject. Buddhism as a whole greatly interests me [...]

I’m a Photographer Too!!

2005-12-01T12:08:57-08:00By |Categories: Personal|

Even though I’m an engineer here at OP, it’s not all about bits, bugs, and tech for me…. I can shoot too!! And no fancy SLR here, just a plain point & shoot digicam in ‘soft,blurry’ mode. This pot of daisies was basking in beautiful windowlight so my photography instincts told me to shoot it.

Our beautiful city

2005-11-07T17:02:37-08:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|

One of the great things about our jobs is the various ways we get to see what goes on in San Francisco, but sometimes just looking at the physical city itself is a pleasure. Here’s a couple shots I took from the last seven days or so…

Fire in the Mission

2017-07-24T21:19:34-07:00By |Categories: Personal|

So my friend Jen Chehardy was visiting along with her roomate so I decided to take them to the Mission and after lunch at Pancho Villa we walked down Valencia and eventually made it up to the roof at Medjool. Once we were there we were greeted with a spectacular view of San Francisco, and a plume of black smoke from a fire in the Mission.

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