This past Saturday was Help-Portrait and it was our seventh year working with the program alongside First Exposures and the Bayview Opera House. It’s always great to give back during the holidays and while we’re slammed with holiday parties, we always make time for Help-Portrait and this year was pretty incredible!
The First Exposures mentees photographed 585 people, and there were a total of 119 volunteers helping to make it happen. Below are some photos from the day which went by so fast it was all a blur.
Our Giving Back program can be tough to integrate into the holiday season but so many smiles were made that it’s worth it. We can’t share any of the actual portraits directly here but you can see a lot of the great energy on hand even if there were a few tantrums and crying babies 🙂

One of the first youngsters to get his portrait made!

A packed house for Help-Portrait with First Exposures – Bayview Opera House, SF, CA, USA

Volunteers helped families choose their favorites images to get printed and framed.

A jazz band jammed outside in the beautiful, sunny weather on Saturday.

Mentees had as much fun making portraits as the families.

And mentors and volunteers did too…

Look for the hashtags #helpportrait and #fxhelpportrait to check out other photos

A family has their portrat taken.

One of the many framed photos given to each family.

Smiles abound – well, almost everyone was smiling 🙂

This young man had his blue steel on.

Mentors and mentees help check in a young girl eager to have her portrait taken.

Even our own CA got in on the action!

Heidi helps direct the attention of a baby while Savannah takes the portraits.

Help-Portrait with First Exposures – Bayview Opera House, SF, CA, USA