First Exposures Looking Forward, Giving Back benefit 2016

2017-07-24T21:21:08-07:00By |Categories: Company, Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , , |

2016-04-26 19.46.19Each year First Exposures holds its Looking Forward, Giving Back event to raise funds for the program.  It’s always a fun event where all of the mentees and mentors work lines the walls.  This year the event was held at SOMArts and a great crowd showed up to support this important program.  We […]

Our own rock star photographer: Andria Lo

2017-07-24T20:47:28-07:00By |Categories: Event, News, Personal, Projects|Tags: , , , |

So we’re proud that our very own Andria Lo will be participating in an exhibition at SOMArts later this month!

The exhibit is called filtered – beyond the first layer and the opening is on Friday August 29th from 6-9pm.  As the exhibit says: “Andria Lo is a professional photographer whose personal work presents a curious look at the everyday/night by often capturing scene that cannot actually be perceived by looking.”

Check out the exhibit to see the […]

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