Photography Blogs: News, Reviews, Techniques & Updates2024-03-06T13:21:34-08:00

3rd & 22nd

If you haven’t heard, we moved! We loved our 5 years downtown on Howard and will miss many things (like being in a prime location to capture Bay to Breakers), [...]


Indian Weddings and Event Trends

This past week we Americans were more than ready to get together with family and gobble up a big meal. But in Indian culture, Diwali (the festival of lights) was just finishing up along with [...]

Holiday Gifting Ideas (of the non-commercial type!)

Ahhh!  Can't believe how quickly the holidays have crept up on us?  I feel like we were just celebrating the Giants' World Series win and suddenly we're hearing holiday music everywhere. Black Friday!  Small Business [...]

Photography as a workout

Just this past week we were in Chicago to shoot the Schwab IMPACT conference and just got back from it. One of the things that came up during the conference that we’ve tackled before, was [...]

We all love a parade!

The Giants won the World Series for the second time in three years and we went to the parade and rally again yesterday! It was so fun and we let folks from the studio take [...]

Let’s go Giants!

Last night I got an impromptu invitation to check out the game from fellow photographer Myleen Hollero and got to sit in the upper deck for the first time. The view was pretty cool and [...]

Back to School, First Exposures returns!

Another school year has kicked off and that means that another year of First Exposures has kicked off as well.  As a long-time mentor in the program, we’ve seen it grow over the years and [...]

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