About jack

Co-Founder of Orange Photography. Dad and runner.

2007 Weddings

2017-07-24T20:48:24-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Jack 2007/2006 Weddings Vasna Paul & Brooke Max & Xenia Mindy & Kevin Hadley & Felix Joel & Carrie Jennifer & Matthew Gene Jennifer & Carlos Tammy & Albert Samara & Tony Hsiao-wen & Scott Jake Janet & Ryan Jessica & Matthew Stephanie & Dave Kirsty Megan & Conor Kelly & David

Christian Lacroix Fashion Show

2017-07-24T20:48:27-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

We don’t shoot that many fashion runaway gigs but the chronicle asked us to cover Christian Lacroix’s new line up last Friday. Although it should be like shooting fish in a barrel, with the constant light changes, i found myself challenged to capture every dress that came down the runaway. I tend to shoot in Manual mode for most of my indoor work but i found that this mode burnt me few times during this shoot!

2nd place for image, 6th overall

2017-07-24T20:48:31-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

WPJA (Wedding Photojournalist Association) has an artistic branch where photo journalistic images are creatively enhanced to take the image to the next level. I won 2nd place for the getting ready category and 6th place overall, check out the rest of the competition and winners here.


2017-07-24T20:48:33-07:00By |Categories: Point of View|

I am really terrible about entering contests but i am making more of any effort this year. It’s something that if i had more time, it would be an enjoyable experiences to go through my work and pick some favorites. alas, time not being on my side, it was a rush job to enter this recent contest hosted by the Artist Wedding Photojournalism. See more of my entries.

Bay to breakers 07

2017-07-24T21:18:57-07:00By |Categories: Portraiture & Headshots|

Another successful year with our photo station set up on the sidewalk. fortunately(?), there were so many people running on the sidewalk that a number of them became part of the shoot. You can see more on my blog or view the complete online gallery.

boys & girls club

2007-05-07T00:46:15-07:00By |Categories: Point of View|

in the midst of all our busyness, i found some time to reminded myself why i took up photography and enjoyed helping a worthwhile non profit while doing what i love. It’s far too easy to forget the why while you’re trying to accomplish the how.

boys & girls club

2007-05-07T00:46:15-07:00By |Categories: Point of View|

in the midst of all our busyness, i found some time to reminded myself why i took up photography and enjoyed helping a worthwhile non profit while doing what i love. It’s far too easy to forget the why while you’re trying to accomplish the how.

Young Musicians

2017-07-24T21:18:58-07:00By |Categories: Portraiture & Headshots|

The Youth Orchestra celebrated it’s 25th anniversary and ask us to do some portraits their press releases. Even young musicians had busy lives and i only had a few minutes with each of them; such is the nature of ‘celebrity’ portraiture. I tried out a new portable lighting trick – two 580 flashes and an umbrella and i like the results thus far.

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