About jack

Co-Founder of Orange Photography. Dad and runner.

city hall weddings

2006-05-20T20:01:35-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

it’s been a while since i shot a wedding at city hall but i had forgotten how beautiful the venue was. I simply love the gorgeous light there, among many other beautiful backgrounds.

celebrity portraits

2017-07-24T21:19:12-07:00By |Categories: Portraiture & Headshots|

I think one of the most challenging aspects of celebrity portraiture is the amount of time you have with them to make the shot. Less than 5 minutes if you’re unlucky but i imagine 15-30 minutes would be average. Thinking on your feet and being prepare is fundamental at this stage to make it happen. Anyway, such was the case today when i had 15 minutes with the author, Daniel Handler, of Lemony Snicket fame. The other [...]

budd & guthrie

2006-04-28T18:30:09-07:00By |Categories: Portraiture & Headshots|

_harold and robin i had the wonderful pleasure of photographing the musical geniuses that is harold budd and robin guthrie (of the cocteau twins fame). they’re recording a new album at a studio near our studio and i had the chance to pop in here and there to see how these two collaborated. i am sure it will be a fine masterpiece considering that retirement is just a state of mind for mr budd.

budd & guthrie

2006-04-28T18:30:09-07:00By |Categories: Portraiture & Headshots|

_harold and robin i had the wonderful pleasure of photographing the musical geniuses that is harold budd and robin guthrie (of the cocteau twins fame). they’re recording a new album at a studio near our studio and i had the chance to pop in here and there to see how these two collaborated. i am sure it will be a fine masterpiece considering that retirement is just a state of mind for mr budd.

OP Launching New Service at WPPI

2006-04-10T19:06:01-07:00By |Categories: Point of View|

In a big surprise at WPPI, Orange Photography is branching out into new territory. Gene, pictured here, is moving on from his current duties as COO and leading the new Asian American Hotel venture operated under the Orange Photography conglomerate. Congratulations Gene!!! Good luck and we’ll miss you.


2006-03-30T00:19:49-08:00By |Categories: Portraiture & Headshots|

I got a letter from Jordanna Thigpen, a democratic candidate running for office in our district, and i was pleasantly please to know that that my photography was doing something good. it’s easy to get lost in the business and art of photography in our current context but at the end of the day, i am mainly interested in using my photography to do some good in this world. we will see how ‘good’ manifests but it [...]

pushing engagement sessions

2006-03-27T13:20:34-08:00By |Categories: Portraiture & Headshots|

Before the wedding season gets into full gear, i’ve been enjoying some of the engagement sessions. Since my shooting style is quite different from during the wedding day, i try to push the couple to being a little ‘unreasonable’. I typically use my bad humour to make put them at ease then ask them unreasonable acts of sillyness to create a moments of non attention (that is to me). The results are reasonable but it would seem [...]


2017-07-24T21:19:13-07:00By |Categories: Press Releases|

SAN FRANCISCO – March 30, 2006 – Orange Photography has won a coveted Silver Award for its innovative website in the prestigious Davey Award competition, sponsored by ADWEEK, Fortune Small Business, and the International Academy of the Visual Arts. Orange Photography’s website highlights the firm’s leading edge photography, imagery and technology. With over 2,000 entries from across the US and around the globe, the Davey Awards honors the finest creative work from the best small firms, agencies [...]

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