Our fearless leader, Gene getting a swift tooth-jarring jab!
Have you seen what is going viral all over the web? The Slo Mo Booth is the hottest thing out right now and we can provide it! Not only that, we have mastered it.
Comedy Central trusted us to pull off a “knockout” video booth experience for the Comedy Central Roast of James Franco which airs on September 2nd. With over 800 guests and a long snaking line, Orange provided not one, but 2 Slo Mo booths. Elements of the set up can vary to include any or all of the following:
– Multiple High Speed Cameras
– Onsite Video Editing
– Immediate Playback for Guests
– Instant Social Media Sharing for Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
– Digital Projection
Check out some of the best from this killer event, including a celebrity punch from Aziz Ansari and a painful bop to Matthew Morrison! Be sure to tune in on Labor Day to the Comedy Central Roast of James Franco, 10/9c on Comedy Central!
Check out these videos and more at the FrancoRoast Youtube Channel!