About gene x

Co-founder of Orange Photography. Pinball enthusiast, bike rider, beer lover.

Ashley and Jnani engagement pix!

2017-07-25T15:33:53-07:00By |Categories: Point of View, Portraiture & Headshots|Tags: , , , |

These two are so cute together and we had a fun time in North Beach for their engagement shoot.  I’m really looking forward to their wedding as they have so much warmth between the two of them.  I used to be a bit ambivalent about engagement shoots but have found they are a great way to try new things.  Most couples probably […]

San Francisco At Night

2010-10-15T08:00:36-07:00By |Categories: Event, Personal, Photography|Tags: , , , , |

San Francisco At Night
I am privy to a lot of fantastic city views as someone who gets to shoot in a variety of venues. And what a beautiful city we live in! I’m so lucky to live here. These night exposures were taken on some recent shoots. Some exposures are as long as 30 seconds, so obviously a tripod or flat balcony railing (hang on tight to your camera!) come in handy. In a […]

Action:Reaction – wedding photography from both sides of the aisle

2017-07-25T15:33:53-07:00By |Categories: Point of View|Tags: , , , |

or in this case, alley… I feel like the only times I end up in a photo that my assistant shoots during a wedding happens to be when I’m on the ground and this was one that Gavin Farrington, who was assisting me at Prudence and David’s wedding, caught.  The girls were dancing in the alley and I also saw this and was shooting the reverse […]

Polaroid SX-70, Impossible Project films and sparking creativity

2017-07-25T15:33:54-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , |

I’ve always loved the Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera and finally found one in great condition on eBay so bidded on it and won.  I had been saving some Impossible Project Fade to Black Film 10/09 film just to use with this and did a personal project with it to see how it’d turn out.  Of course with expermental film like Fade To Black you never know […]

Portraits with Amelia Mulkey – Part 1

2017-07-25T15:33:54-07:00By |Categories: Photography, Portraiture & Headshots|Tags: , , , |

Dear readers, I am delighted to introduce to you the one, the only – Amelia Mulkey. Amelia is an actress, splitting up her time between San Francisco and her hometown Los Angeles. She wanted to update her headshots and make room for a new arsenal of looks for her portfolio. We planned a shoot at her house (which she lovingly refers to as “the […]

Julia & Kevin’s Wedding at Mill Valley Outdoor Art Club

2010-09-22T09:00:57-07:00By |Categories: Photography|Tags: , , , , |

Julia and Kevin were married at the charming Mill Valley Outdoor Art Club, a lovely Bernard Maybeck structure surrounded by redwood trees. It’s like a secret garden/oasis in downtown Mill Valley! These two share a love of their families, football, and good food. Their wedding day coincided with both of Julia’s nieces birthdays (who are adorable sisters), so it was a big ole celebration and they made sure to make them […]

Julia & Kevin’s Wedding at Mill Valley Outdoor Art Club

2010-09-22T09:00:57-07:00By |Categories: Photography|Tags: , , , , |

Julia and Kevin were married at the charming Mill Valley Outdoor Art Club, a lovely Bernard Maybeck structure surrounded by redwood trees. It’s like a secret garden/oasis in downtown Mill Valley! These two share a love of their families, football, and good food. Their wedding day coincided with both of Julia’s nieces birthdays (who are adorable sisters), so it was a big ole celebration and they made sure to make them […]

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