About gene x

Co-founder of Orange Photography. Pinball enthusiast, bike rider, beer lover.

2010 MPI Gala at the San Francisco Design Center

2017-07-25T15:34:49-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , |

The 2010 MPINCC Annual Gala and Silent Auction was held at the San Francisco Design Center and was one of the best industry parties in quite some time.  Of course it’s that season and the ISES-NCC gala is also upcoming so don’t miss out on that.  Back to MPI, there was so much going on all night including an awesome electronic auction system […]

Chip Conley’s new book

2017-07-25T15:34:49-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , |

If you work in hospitality in the Bay Area then you most likely know (or should know) who Chip Conley is.  I won’t go into his back story but he’s the founder of Joie De Vivre Hotels, one of the top boutique hotel chains around(and  based here in San Francisco).

A while back my business partner Jack read Conley’s book Peak: How Great Companies Get Their […]

Anchor Brewery press coverage

2017-07-25T15:34:50-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , , |

So the big news has been out for a bit now, but we were on hand to take the press shots of Fritz Maytag,  Keith Greggor and Tony Foglio that went along with the announcement.  It was an honor to meet Mr. Maytag who’s really humble and soft spoken.  As someone who thoroughly enjoys beer (and especially craft brews) I owe thanks to Mr. Maytag.

The shot above was one of the […]

Best Business Practices for Photographers book review

2017-07-25T15:34:50-07:00By |Categories: Photography, Reviews|Tags: , , |

best business practices for photographersRecently during a flight to and from a shoot in NYC I read John Harrington’s book: Best Business Practices for Photographers, Second Edition
and it’s got a wealth of great information for all photographers and small business owners.

He also had covered some of the info in his presentations at ASMP’s Strictly Business […]

Sarah Silverman backstage and on City Arts & Lectures

2017-07-25T15:34:50-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , |

We’ve said it many times before that one of the great things about shooting events is the variety of work we get to do. A last minute shoot happened (we often get last minute bookings and are almost always able to respond), and it was for our friends at City Arts  & Lectures who had comedienne Sarah Silverman on the program.

As I waited backstage for […]

Sarah Silverman backstage and on City Arts & Lectures

2017-07-25T15:34:50-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , |

We’ve said it many times before that one of the great things about shooting events is the variety of work we get to do. A last minute shoot happened (we often get last minute bookings and are almost always able to respond), and it was for our friends at City Arts  & Lectures who had comedienne Sarah Silverman on the program.

As I waited backstage for […]

Hyphen Cover Shoot – The Inside/Out Issue

2010-05-10T08:30:09-07:00By |Categories: Photography, Portraiture & Headshots|Tags: , , |

Back in March, I did a cover shoot for Hyphen Magazine at the old studio. The issue’s theme was Inside/Out.
It was still cold and wet then (seems like so long ago), and cover model, Pahole, graciously endured hours of goosebumps, as the shoot ran almost a full day through the body painting, make up, hair, and oh yeah the shooting.

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