2014 San Francisco Giants World Series Championship Parade!

2017-07-24T21:22:11-07:00By |Categories: Event, Personal, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

3x World Series Champs!!!

Wow, what a run this year!  I felt like we were the best team in baseball and then the worst team in baseball, and then who knows what.  Once we got into the playoffs and won the Wild Card it was an insane ride and I must say the Royals were probably the better team but we were able to pull out another World Series Championship for our third in five years – incredible!

As […]

Orange Photography Charity Pinball Tournament for First Exposures

2017-07-24T21:22:12-07:00By |Categories: Event, Giving Back, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , |

pinball2014_1232f Chris Harkins, host of the tournament, takes a shot at the side tournament on Lord of the Rings.

This past Sunday we organized our first charity pinball tournament in Oakland to benefit First Exposures.  The event ended up with 41 players from around the Bay Area including some very high ranking players as well as first time competitive pinballers and players representing six different countries.  The tournament was played […]

Orange Photography Announces Partnership with 1% for the Planet

2017-07-24T21:22:13-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, News, Press Releases|Tags: , , |

LB_GB2B_2We’re excited to announce that we’ve joined 1% for the Planet (1%), pledging to donate 1% of annual sales to support non-profit organizations focused on sustainability.

”Signing on to 1% for the Planet shows Orange Photography has a strong commitment to investing in sustainability efforts,” says John Tashiro, Interim CEO. “They’re using business as a tool to engage and motivate their stakeholders while partnering with environmental organizations […]

Orange Photography Charity Pinball Tournament to benefit First Exposures

2017-07-24T21:22:13-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, News|Tags: , , |

6363_SFPinball_0167fIn case you haven’t noticed, we at Orange have an affinity for pinball.  We’ve been documenting the resurgence in pinball over the past couple years, and have even had a pinball machine at the studio (with a new Iron Man coming soon!).

Since we have always been philanthropic through our Social Photography program, we decided there was a great way to merge that with pinball and photography and as such, […]

Video Pro Bono Program looking for Local Non-Profit

2017-07-24T21:22:13-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


As you may know, our Video Department at Orange has grown this past year with the popularity of our Slo Mo Photo/Video Booth and event highlight reels. We are super excited about our savvy new videographers and video editors! With our expanding talent pool, we are thrilled to introduce our Video Pro Bono Project in line with our Social Photography Program […]

Farewell Don!

2017-07-24T21:22:13-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|Tags: , |


This week we lost a dear friend in Don Anderson.  Don was a mentor at First Exposures which is how I first met him, but he had done so much before that as well.  He always brought positive energy to the classes and was a mentor to us mentors.  I always felt like Don was the mentor that I should be and his knowledge and excitement about photography […]

Bill Gates on Philanthropy

2017-07-24T21:22:54-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , , , |

7194_SequoiaGates_0083fLast week we photographed Bill Gates talking about philanthropy and a host of other subjects at the AirBnB headquarters in San Francisco.  He spoke to Sequoia’s Michael Moritz and it was an interesting exchange to hear one of the world’s foremost philanthropists and tech luminaries speak.  It was neat to see that Gates is a very down-to-earth guy, and still a nerd at heart.

As the event photographer, […]

Visit Denmark!

2017-07-24T21:22:56-07:00By |Categories: Event, Personal, Point of View, Projects|Tags: , , , , , , |

We got to work this event that Key Events put on for Visit Denmark and SAS Airlines and you can see our photography team at work shooting Polaroids and such in this video.  I recently made my first trip to Denmark and Copenhagen (and Roskilde) and flew SAS to Copenhagen and had a wonderful time.  The Smørrebrød brought back memories from the trip (I had it several times, and you can get some […]

Creative tools: the Polaroid Close Up Stand Model 7500

2017-07-24T21:22:57-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Photography, Point of View, Reviews|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

IMPOSSIBLE   accessories  Image Spectra CloseUp Stand

As you probably know if you’ve followed our agency or this blog, we love instant photography and have been happy to promote it to our clients as well often shooting vintage Polaroid cameras with Impossible Project film.  Well we lucked out and got a Christmas/Holiday present from the Impossible Project folks of a Polaroid Close-Up Stand this past December […]

Variety Children’s Comedy Benefit

2017-07-24T21:22:58-07:00By |Categories: Event, Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , |

151_6095_KB_585Sometimes we get so busy that we forget to blog about fun events that we get to cover.  One of those was the Variety Children’s Comedy Benefit that headlined Zach Galifianakis.  It happened during the always fun SF Sketchfest, and was help at The Punchline’s in support of Variety’s Therapeutic Scholarship Program.  The program proving scholarships to deserving disabled children to receive specialized care and to achieve greatness through their Mobility […]

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