Photography Blogs: News, Reviews, Techniques & Updates2024-03-06T13:21:34-08:00

Video: Girls In Tech Gala

We had the privilege of attending Girls in Tech's 4th Annual Fundraising Gala and creating a highlight reel for the elegant occasion. Based in San [...]


Featured Vendor – SPiN SF!

    We are excited to start a new series in the same vein as our wedding series “Vendors we Crush on” where we feature the people and places in the event community that we [...]

Orange supports Kitchen Table Advisors

This fall Orange had the pleasure of partnering with Kitchen Table Advisors to take portraits of some local farmers at Bay Area Farmers markets.  Kitchen Table Advisors provides small, sustainable, farms with the resources and [...]

Event Photography Ideas: California Meetings + Events

We’re excited about the Fall 2016 issue of California Meetings + Events! On the cover they call out Picture Perfect: local photos share their tips on shooting events and it’s one of the main articles in the [...]

Orange Partners with the Compassionate Leaders Program

Through our our sponsorship of Wisdom 2.0 in 2015, we met Vlad, the project leader of the Compassionate Leaders Program. The program brings mindfulness practice to inner city high school students and provides them the tools [...]

Talent Profile: Natalie Jenks | San Francisco

Natalie Jenks Natalie is one of Orange’s top shooters. She has spent time as part of the internal team, but now works as an Orange Associate on our corporate side as well as our wedding [...]

Feel the Burn: Burning Man 2016 photos

When we first started Orange Photography, we had to often skip out on Burning Man since it culminated on Labor Day weekend, which is a popular weekend for weddings and as such, wedding photographers were [...]

Orange Gets Away

  Every summer Orange tries to take a couple days off and go on our annual retreat. We usually find ourselves around some body of water whether it be a lake or river. This year [...]

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