About gene x

Co-founder of Orange Photography. Pinball enthusiast, bike rider, beer lover.

Successful First Exposures photobooth and auction!

2017-07-25T15:34:50-07:00By |Categories: Event, Giving Back, Photobooth, Point of View|Tags: , , |

The First Exposures program is one we’ve supported for quite some time.  I remember first thinking about doing a similar idea through Orange but then found out that it was already being done well, and now I’ve been mentoring with that program for a few years.  Last month there was an auction which we had our photobooth at and it was a big hit.  But […]

Marriage, and the Baby Carriage

2017-07-25T15:34:51-07:00By |Categories: Photography, Portraiture & Headshots|Tags: , , , , , |

We recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with two of our 2008 wedding couples to capture the next chapters in their lives: parenthood!

Tammy and John’s son Dylan had the best temperament we’ve ever worked with. So adorable, and the perfect addition to this gorgeous family. You will see his beautiful cousin’s, Ella and Chloe, in the images below. Like I said, a gorgeous […]

Hyphen Magazine – Portraits

2010-04-28T09:10:34-07:00By |Categories: Photography, Portraiture & Headshots|Tags: , , |

Hyphen Magazine - leaders and board members

Last month Hyphen Magazine was in need of some headshots of the Board of Directors and leadership team, including head people on the Editorial Team. They use these for press releases, grant applying, basically anywhere they’ll want to put a friendly face to a name. Each session lasted about fifteen minutes and I got a chance to chat one-on-one with each of them. Was great to learn […]

San Francisco Center for the Book

2010-04-27T09:15:22-07:00By |Categories: Commercial, Photography|Tags: , , |

san francisco center for the book

I was recently commissioned to create a custom stock library for the wonderful San Francisco Center for the Book, in neighboring Potrero Hill. I pass the center twice a day on my commute but hadn’t had a chance to stop by and investigate their classes. They provides tons of expertise on letterpress, bookbinding, printing, and more.

The brief included capturing equipment, instructors, spaces and textures, but was pretty open-ended. […]

A.C.T.’s 2010 Season Gala: The Crystal Ball

2017-07-25T15:34:51-07:00By |Categories: Event|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This past weekend Jack shot A.C.T.’s (American Conservatory Theater) 2010 Season Gala at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. “A.C.T.’s renowned conservatory serves more than 2,500 students each year, providing a range of experiences for children as young as 8 to adults of all ages.” These students provided the talent for the evening, entertaining such star-studded attendees as

3rd & 22nd

2017-07-25T15:34:51-07:00By |Categories: News|Tags: , , |

If you haven’t heard, we moved! We loved our 5 years downtown on Howard and will miss many things (like being in a prime location to capture Bay to Breakers), but we do have to say that moving to a new space with a new layout is exciting. Located in Dogpatch, you can find the new studio at 3rd & 22nd.

With the help of Interior Designer, Jennifer Butler, […]

POKETO! Put it in your pocket.

2017-07-25T15:34:51-07:00By |Categories: Photography, Portraiture & Headshots|Tags: , , , , , , |

I recently did some press portraits for Los Angeles based (but San Francisco founded!) super collaborators – Poketo.  Founders Ted Vadakan and Angie Myung have been collaborating with artists and designers from all over the world, creating limited edition wallets – art that fits in your pocket!  


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