About gene x

Co-founder of Orange Photography. Pinball enthusiast, bike rider, beer lover.

The Instagram Papers – social media and usage rights grabs

2017-07-24T21:22:14-07:00By |Categories: Business, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


As photographers, you may have heard about the Instagram terms of service kerfuffle a while back, but it kind of died down and then it seemed like radio silence.  However, the real issue for all users is what the those TOS (Terms of Service) really are and how they impact all users of Instagram.

One thing we weren’t aware of was the fact that you can’t actually delete your account […]

The Plaid Jackets Slo Mo Music Video from the Napa Valley Film Festival!

2017-07-24T21:22:14-07:00By |Categories: Corporate|Tags: , , , , , , |

Meet our friends, The Plaid Jackets! These talented guys had a blast jumping in and out of our Slo Mo Booth at the Napa Valley Film Festival. So much so that we had enough footage to twist into a music video for them. This video is a great example of what can be done with the “highlight reels” we offer as part of our Slo Mo Booth experience. […]

Happy Beer Week!

2017-07-24T21:22:14-07:00By |Categories: Event, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , |


San Francisco Beer Week has been growing by leaps and bounds every year and we’ve been fortunate enough to have been to all of them and photographed a few events.  While we prefer to just drink and enjoy the amazing beer, food, and events, we thought we’d share our love of beer as a sort of Valentine’s Day post!  You can see all the photos we took so […]

Rip-Tie velcro® straps to keep you organized

2017-07-24T21:22:15-07:00By |Categories: Point of View, Reviews|Tags: , , , , , |

7574_RipTie_0027fI’m sure a bunch of people will have New Years resolutions to be more organized and as a photography studio we have a lot of things that get messy so we decided to get more velcro straps to attach to the many cords and such that we have as part of our photography gear.

We found Rip-Tie made custom ones and decided to order a batch and then […]

Sideways Photo Booth Redux

2017-07-24T21:22:15-07:00By |Categories: Event, Photobooth|Tags: , |


You may have seen the sideways photo booth before, but we did one again last night and this one was a total blast!  The set was really nicely done by our client and made for a perfect illusion.  Above is a shot of our team doing test shots and if you are into selfies, this is the most epic selfie we’ve seen in a […]

Star Trek Tricorder XPRIZE photo shoot

2017-07-24T21:22:15-07:00By |Categories: Commercial, Point of View|Tags: , , , , |

Tricorder XPRIZE

We had a blast recently doing a shoot for the Star Trek Tricorder XPRIZE competition.  We had some Star Trek fans at the studio to promote this awesome Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE and everyone was really into the shoot.  The prize itself is super awesome too: “A $10 million competition to bring healthcare to the palm of your hand,” as they state on the website.  We’d love to see this […]

Change is good: Peter Hurley The Art Behind the Headshot

2024-02-28T10:13:40-08:00By |Categories: Headshots, Photography, Point of View, Portraiture & Headshots, Reviews|Tags: , |

Chances are if you are a portrait photographer you’ve seen or heard of Peter Hurley.  If you haven’t seen his  presentation at the Google + Photographers Conference, check it out on YouTube.  We purchased his tutorial on headshots and someone asked me why we needed it.  The truth is you can never stop learning, especially in the world of photography.  Change is inevitable and if you don’t adapt then you’ll fall […]

Photo Booth fatigue? Creative photo booth ideas!

2017-07-24T21:22:54-07:00By |Categories: Photobooth, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Find yourself doing the duck face too much?  Or pointing to the person next to you?  Wanna break out of that photo booth funk when you can’t think of something clever to do?  With wedding season in full swing and holiday parties just around the corner (they really are, have you booked yours yet?) it’s time for some creative photo booth ideas and since we’ve been doing them for over twelve years we thought we’d give you […]

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