First Exposures Zine Release party!

2017-07-25T15:35:53-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, News, Photography, Point of View, Projects|Tags: , , , |

first exposures mentoring zineWell this semester of mentoring is wrapping up and the final event will be the zine release party at Adobe Books on Friday June 5, 2009.  I’ve had a great time working with the kids in the program and some of the zines are really neat.  The digital class did theirs using digital images and technology with the film […]

Maintaining Creativity: Instant Photo Assignments

2017-07-25T15:35:53-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Photography, Point of View, Projects|Tags: , , , , , |

transbay terminal, sfSocial media has a lot of uses and one thing we’ve created is the “Instant Photo Assignment.” The way it works is quite simple: You just post a tweet or to your Facebook status that you are accepting “Instant Photo Assignments” and then people can reply back to you with assignment options. Now, you can take them literally or […]

Bike to Work Day and free portraits!

2017-07-25T15:35:54-07:00By |Categories: News, Point of View, Portraiture & Headshots, Projects|Tags: , , , |

Free Bike to Work Day 2009 portraits!
So Thursday is Bike to Work Day here in San Francisco and we’re always psyched about it since 80% of our studio bikes or takes alternate forms of transit and we’re right down the street from Mike’s Bikes too. We’re offering free portraits for bicyclists and their bikes this day.  Just stop […]

Orange is San Francisco’s newest Green Business!

2017-07-25T15:35:56-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, News, Press Releases|Tags: , , , , |

Orange is now Green!

We’re proud to annouce that we’ve got our green certification and have become San Francisco’s first Green photography studio.  As part of the Bay Area Green Business Program, we’ve completed our audit and are throwing a party to celebrate.  Come join us on Friday April 24th at our studio space and help us continue to support our community and also […]

SOMA businesses thrive! Gama-Go opens retail store…

2017-07-25T15:35:56-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, News, Projects|Tags: , |

store_montage_2Our friends over at Gama-Go recently opened up a retail store so you can now buy and check out their merch in person.  While everyone has been hearing about businesses shrinking and other related bad news, it’s great that a lot of us here in SOMA are doing well.  Go visit Gama-Go and mark your calendars for our next event which will be a combination fundraiser/party […]

First Exposures mentoring benefit – support this amazing program!

2017-07-24T20:46:21-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Press Releases|

So I’ve been mentoring with First Exposures for a bit now and it’s a wonderful program.  I first found out about it looking for information on a similar idea to get started up through our own studio here at Orange but found out that it already existed.  Last year we got to send over some of our mentees to Ghana where one of the mentors had set up a similar program and the result is the […]

Dynamo Donut

2009-03-06T17:29:31-08:00By |Categories: Personal|Tags: |

I walked into the studio this morning and was immediately hit with the smell of freshly brewed coffee (yes!) and some unidentifiable sugar product. I got excited. Julie was so sweet to bring in a box of donuts from Dynamo Donut in the Mission. We held a little tasting to sample the five varieties… these were about the best donuts I’ve had. They don’t abuse the sugar and something about […]

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