Ghana Youth and First Exposures art opening at SF Camerawork

2017-07-24T20:46:26-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , , , |

SF Camerawork Opening

Last night I checked out the opening for”United in Nima: Bay Area and Ghanaian Youth Share Lives Through the Lens” at SF Camerawork.  I do some mentoring in First Exposures so this opening had a personal connection and it was amazing to see the work the mentees did while in Ghana.  The show is up at Camerawork until March […]

Career Day @ Thurgood Marshall

2017-07-24T20:46:28-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , , |

So we participated in Career Day at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School here in San Francisco last week and it was a lot of fun.  Although students seemed pretty apathetic, it was cool that they were honest like the time I asked them if our group was less or more boring than the previous group and one girl blurted out “more”.

Here’s a few shots they took as I passed the camera around and explained what we […]

what a week and weekend!

2017-07-24T20:47:28-07:00By |Categories: Event, Giving Back|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

GLAAD Long Hot Summer Benefit at Orson

So we’ve been incredibly busy so sorry for not updating our photography blog as regularly.  Anyhow, over the past three days we had our own birthday party (stay tuned for the photo booth photography!), a couple weddings to shoot and a benefit for GLAAD last night at Orson.

Here are a few shots […]

Our own rock star photographer: Andria Lo

2017-07-24T20:47:28-07:00By |Categories: Event, News, Personal, Projects|Tags: , , , |

So we’re proud that our very own Andria Lo will be participating in an exhibition at SOMArts later this month!

The exhibit is called filtered – beyond the first layer and the opening is on Friday August 29th from 6-9pm.  As the exhibit says: “Andria Lo is a professional photographer whose personal work presents a curious look at the everyday/night by often capturing scene that cannot actually be perceived by looking.”

Check out the exhibit to see the […]

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