About gene x

Co-founder of Orange Photography. Pinball enthusiast, bike rider, beer lover.

GeneX – Found Local on The Bold Italic

2017-07-25T15:33:50-07:00By |Categories: News, Photography|Tags: , , , , |

photo by Jack Huynh/Orange Photography

The Bold Italic – one of our most favorite writers on all things SF, features our Gene X Hwang as part of their awesome Found Local series. Check it out!

Direct link here:


We’ve shot quite a bit for the Bold Italic and were even featured in their Love/Make wedding fair as a featured vendor for our wedding photography and […]

What I learned at ASMP’s SB3 and why you should go

2017-07-25T15:33:50-07:00By |Categories: Business, Point of View|Tags: , , , |

ASMP has been putting on the Strictly Business series for a while now and having attending the last two, I can heartily recommend it.  Many photographers have the mistaken notion that just becoming a better photographer is all you need to do to improve your business.  While the 10,000 hours of practice theory that Malcolm Gladwell has […]

Behind the scenes at the San Francisco Condo Lottery

2017-07-25T15:33:50-07:00By |Categories: Business, Event, Point of View|Tags: , , , |

Have you ever heard about the condo lottery?  Chances are if you aren’t the owner of  a TIC (Tenancy in Common) then probably not.  One of the advantages to being a photographer is getting to see what goes on behind the scenes or observe politics and civics in action.  Today, among being Chinese New Year and National Signing Day for college football, was […]

The Special Event 2011 wrap-up and learnings

2017-07-25T15:33:51-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

So last week was The Special Event in Phoenix, AZ and I was honored to be a speaker at the conference.  The best thing about going to these is that you get to meet new folks, learn and network.  This year’s The Special Event was my first one to attend and it was definitely worth the […]

Kim and Daniel’s Wedding

2017-07-25T15:33:51-07:00By |Categories: Photography|Tags: , , |

Kim and Daniel had an awesome wedding, and we mean awesome in both definitions: “inspiring awe” and “excellent or outstanding”. This was a fourteen hour day for Jack and his assistant, but when there’s a dragon dance at the reception, does that really matter? Take a look at some of the beautiful images that were a labor of love:

Governor Jerry Brown’s inauguration

2017-07-25T15:33:51-07:00By |Categories: Event|Tags: , , , , |

We’ve been busy with political shoots of late.  Last year we photographed former Governor Schwarzenegger many times as well as other political notables.  We were on hand at the private post-inauguration party last night for incoming Governor Jerry Brown who made a brief appearance as well as Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.  He may be the most photographed mayor of another city that we’ve shot having […]

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