2024 Video Project Highlights

2025-01-27T14:17:06-08:00By |Categories: Company, News, Video|

In 2024, Orange Photography had the honor of working on several exciting video projects that brought unique events to life through dynamic storytelling. We documented Radicle Growth Venture Capital's Radicle Challenge Summit in San Francisco, focusing on groundbreaking innovations in the corn industry. At the Presidio Bay Foundation's annual fundraiser, themed "What Do You Love About San Francisco," we captured the evening's energy and heartfelt celebrations at the iconic St. Joseph’s Art Society.

Announcing the Launch of Tara’s Wellness Sanctuary

2024-12-11T18:45:41-08:00By |Categories: Business, Company, News|

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of Tara’s Wellness Sanctuary, a unique retreat nestled between the vibrant city life of Denver and the serene landscapes of Boulder.  This vacation rental is not just an Orange investment but also a stepping stone to Jack spending more time in the area to build new business for Orange!

Orange launches new website and conference highlights!

2024-03-17T09:31:57-07:00By |Categories: Business, Company, Event, News|

Having been in business for over two decades, our website has effectively showcased our work. However, it's been more than five years since we last made any significant updates. This past month, we undertook the task of revamping it. Given the evolution within our industry and our company structure, the old website felt dated, reflecting assets from a time when our team was much larger.

Twitter, @x and Orange Photography – a behind the scenes look

2023-07-31T07:07:15-07:00By |Categories: Business, Company, News, Point of View|Tags: , , |

Well last week was quite a whirlwind and Orange got a lot of attention since one of our co-founders, Gene X Hwang (me) was all over the news cycle when Twitter completed it’s transformation to X and subsequently took over the @x Twitter handle, which I had owned since 2007.   We ourselves have had our account on Twitter since 2009 and as the news spread we found ourselves getting a lot of unexpected attention and […]

What’s been happening in San Francisco Event Photography?

2024-03-02T12:42:13-08:00By |Categories: Event, News, Photography|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Envision at the deYoung with First Exposures and The Women's BuildingWe always enjoy the fact that we get to experience so many different types of events and often get to see and do things we may otherwise have never gotten the chance to experience […]

Welcome back Norm!

2024-02-28T13:02:09-08:00By |Categories: Event, News, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

Like the drinking buddy from Cheers, we're ecstatic to welcome back Norm (as in Normalcy!) in our industry. Of course, we're still crossing our fingers that there won't be another COVID variant that makes use take four steps backwards but with the volume of work we're doing for our old time clients, we expect that the worst is behind us!

Orange celebrates 22 years and establishes Midwest office

2021-08-19T10:22:48-07:00By |Categories: Company, News|

This month marks the 22nd anniversary of Orange Photography. As we reflect back on this wonderful journey of running a small business in an increasingly expensive city, it is not surprising that we have had to evolve with the times. From our earliest days of running the business out of our awesome Victorian flat in SOMA on the questionable Natoma Street to moving a few blocks away to 9th and Howard, we’ve had our fair share of […]

Jack launches a new portfolio website

2024-03-06T09:46:59-08:00By |Categories: News, Personal, Photography|Tags: |

As a silver lining of the great pandemic of 2020, I took some time (actually a lot of time) to reflect on my body of work and put together some 'highlights' from the past 20 years of professional work. Ironically, the bulk of what I've pull together is a very small percentage of the type of work that I normally do for our corporate clients.

Leveraging the Current Environment with Custom Stock Photography

2024-02-28T13:00:52-08:00By |Categories: Business, Commercial, News, Photography|Tags: , , |

So what’s a great way to emerge out of the pandemic and let your audience know that you’re open and ready for business? How about some custom stock photos that reminds them of your presence and puts you top of mind! Having an updated set of images is a great way to build anticipation and make people look forward to working with you again. And it's something that's still doable as we're socially distancing amid the pandemic. You’ll immediately stand out from your competitors who are still seemingly lying dormant waiting for the best time to start promoting themselves. 

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