Orange launches new website and conference highlights!

2024-03-17T09:31:57-07:00By |Categories: Business, Company, Event, News|

Having been in business for over two decades, our website has effectively showcased our work. However, it's been more than five years since we last made any significant updates. This past month, we undertook the task of revamping it. Given the evolution within our industry and our company structure, the old website felt dated, reflecting assets from a time when our team was much larger.

Winter 2023 Photography Studio Updates

2024-02-29T08:49:57-08:00By |Categories: Event, Personal, Projects, Video|

The marketing team of Allianz engaged with us for their wonderful client reception at the venerable Ferry Building. Additionally, we were on the show floor at Riskworld interviewing their employees on video on how they support their clients in a risky world and how nice it was to be back in-person at these live events. 

What’s been happening in San Francisco Event Photography?

2024-03-02T12:42:13-08:00By |Categories: Event, News, Photography|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Envision at the deYoung with First Exposures and The Women's BuildingWe always enjoy the fact that we get to experience so many different types of events and often get to see and do things we may otherwise have never gotten the chance to experience […]

Summer Highlights

2024-02-29T05:04:31-08:00By |Categories: Event, Projects|

We're excited to be working again with one of the industry leaders in large production management, Opus Agency.  We've worked with them for many years prior to the pandemic and was grateful that we were about to serve them on a year-long engagement for Amazon Web Services. AWS hosts developer summits in numerous metropolitan cities and worked directly with us to manage their photo needs in all those markets.

Welcome back Norm!

2024-02-28T13:02:09-08:00By |Categories: Event, News, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

Like the drinking buddy from Cheers, we're ecstatic to welcome back Norm (as in Normalcy!) in our industry. Of course, we're still crossing our fingers that there won't be another COVID variant that makes use take four steps backwards but with the volume of work we're doing for our old time clients, we expect that the worst is behind us!

Coursera’s IPO Launch

2024-03-03T14:24:09-08:00By |Categories: Event, Photography|Tags: , , |

It was an early morning as we were in Mountain View, CA for the opening bell at 6:30AM PST. But the day started even earlier as staff members were in the building even hours before and there was plenty of buzz to go around. Produced by Ethos Event Collective, Coursera's normal office space was transformed and set up perfectly for a live recording. 

Recapping EventMB’s ‘The Future of the Event Industry 2021 Outlook’

2024-02-28T14:07:25-08:00By |Categories: Business, Event, News, Photography|Tags: , , , , , |

This was the prevailing question asked throughout Event Manager Blog's virtual conference last week, "The Future of the Event Industry 2021 Outlook". Moderated by EventMB's Founder and former Editor-in-Chief, Julius Solaris, the virtual event brought together many top industry leaders in various sectors as speakers to discuss the current state of the event industry and the many developments that has occurred consequentially from the pandemic-ridden year. 

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