San Francisco At Night

2010-10-15T08:00:36-07:00By |Categories: Event, Personal, Photography|Tags: , , , , |

San Francisco At Night
I am privy to a lot of fantastic city views as someone who gets to shoot in a variety of venues. And what a beautiful city we live in! I’m so lucky to live here. These night exposures were taken on some recent shoots. Some exposures are as long as 30 seconds, so obviously a tripod or flat balcony railing (hang on tight to your camera!) come in handy. In a […]

Polaroid SX-70, Impossible Project films and sparking creativity

2017-07-25T15:33:54-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , |

I’ve always loved the Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera and finally found one in great condition on eBay so bidded on it and won.  I had been saving some Impossible Project Fade to Black Film 10/09 film just to use with this and did a personal project with it to see how it’d turn out.  Of course with expermental film like Fade To Black you never know […]

Orange Team Plays Hooky, Bowling Ensues

2017-07-25T15:33:55-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Photography|Tags: , , , |

It’s that time of year again, time for the annual team offsite! The Orange Team headed for the lanes this year, living it up at Sea Bowl in beautiful Pacifica. But our first stop: the timeless and delicious In-N-Out to give us the strength to heave those balls with destructive force (cue pins falling down dramatically and in slow motion).

Once we arrived on the scene at Sea […]

Case Study: Documentary Videos for the YES Program

2017-07-25T15:33:58-07:00By |Categories: Projects|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Earlier this year we completed production on a very exciting video project on behalf of Bonfire Communications for the YES program. The YES program, with support of AYUSA, brings high school students from predominantly Muslim countries to live with American families. The students attend local schools and are active in the community -all in an […]

Hipstamatic + Mexico City

2010-07-06T10:59:31-07:00By |Categories: Personal|Tags: , , , |

I have this camera app, Hipstamatic, on my phone that filters everything through its lens to create Holga effects and make the world look dreamy. It’s nice when I don’t feel like lugging my DSLR plus it does all the post-processing for you. Here are some snapshots from my week in Mexico City –glimpses of markets, nopales, tacos (al pastor, hell yes), incredible portrait backdrops every which way you tun, Museo […]

World Cup: Who Are You Rooting For?

2017-07-25T15:33:58-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Point of View|Tags: , , |

I don’t know about you guys – but I have some major World Cup fever. Games are full of drama, culture, crazy skills (and pretty fútbol players) – it’s all so captivating.

Thanks to SF Recreation and Parks and friends, you can watch the games in Civic Center Plaza. Stop by and watch a game sometime… feel the camaraderie!   Here’s a tiny moment from Tuesday’s matchup, Spain vs. Portugal – […]

Successful First Exposures photobooth and auction!

2017-07-25T15:34:50-07:00By |Categories: Event, Giving Back, Photobooth, Point of View|Tags: , , |

The First Exposures program is one we’ve supported for quite some time.  I remember first thinking about doing a similar idea through Orange but then found out that it was already being done well, and now I’ve been mentoring with that program for a few years.  Last month there was an auction which we had our photobooth at and it was a big hit.  But the […]

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