About gene x

Co-founder of Orange Photography. Pinball enthusiast, bike rider, beer lover.

Review: My Kid Could Paint That (documentary)

2017-07-24T21:23:04-07:00By |Categories: Point of View, Reviews|Tags: , , , , , , |

Having seen Amir Bar-Lev’s other work including The Pat Tillman Story, I was compelled to finally check out My Kid Could Paint That.  The title of the documentary was interesting to me, even when all I knew about it was something about Marla Olmstead being a kid who paints similarly to Jackson Pollack.

But the film explores a lot of other topics – some about human […]

Gala time!

2017-07-24T21:23:04-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


It’s coming up on a few exciting events that we’re both sponsoring.  The MPINCC Annual  Gala & Silent Auction is on June 6th and has a theme of “Sip, Savor & Celebrate!” while ISES-NCC will be hosting their Annual Gala on July 10th.

We’re looking forward to checking out The Winery SF on Treasure Island since we haven’t yet shot there, while the historic Old […]

Bay to Breakers photos wrap up!

2017-07-24T21:23:04-07:00By |Categories: Event, Personal, Photobooth, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , , |

bay to breakers photos bridesWe love Bay to Breakers and since our studio moved off the race path we hadn’t done a photo booth or photostation like we had in the past so this year we had access to a perfect street spot on Hayes Hill where we set up an impromptu photo booth and enjoyed our Sunday morning.  Here’s a few snaps that we loved!  To […]

Book Review: What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There

2017-07-24T21:23:04-07:00By |Categories: Business, Photography, Point of View, Reviews|Tags: , , , |

Successful people have little reason to change… makes sense doesn’t it? That’s sort of the gist behind Marshall Goldsmith’s book “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There”.  It’s a great read for anyone who works with others and/or is a leader so it really hit home for me. As a small business, one of our most important assets is our people, and we’re always striving […]

Book Review: Zilch

2017-07-24T21:23:04-07:00By |Categories: Business, Point of View, Reviews|Tags: , , , , , |

Zilch is a book about doing more with less, something we hold as a value at Orange.  Since our inception, we’ve always valued that, not just because we bootstrapped our company but also from a social responsibility angle.  Waste is something we don’t like, especially when reducing it can both save the environment and save you money so this booked piqued my interest.

It’s written by Nancy […]

Review: Bottle Shock

2017-07-24T21:23:04-07:00By |Categories: Point of View, Reviews|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Recently I saw Sideways again during a trip up to wine country as part of an incentive trip we were shooting. One of the tour guides mentioned Bottle Shock as a better option since it’s about Napa wines more than Sideways was so I knew it was time to finally check it out.

If you don’t know the famous story of the 1976 Paris Tasting that vaulted […]

Greenbuild conference and working with other green businesses

2017-07-24T21:23:05-07:00By |Categories: Event, Point of View|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Coming up is the Greenbuild conference and we are super excited for it.  As a San Francisco Green Business and the first photography studio to earn the City and County of San Francisco’s designation for that, we’re always happy to see more green related conferences happening.  It’s a trend that we are in full support of and we look forward to working with many of the […]

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