About gene x

Co-founder of Orange Photography. Pinball enthusiast, bike rider, beer lover.

Exploratorium Photo Booth fun

2017-07-24T21:21:04-07:00By |Categories: Corporate, Photobooth|Tags: , , , , , |

We had a great time and were honored to be invited to participate in Transform, an event the Exploratorium threw to showcase their space to the events industry.  It was a fantastic night of fun and we showed off our bullet-time photo booth which creates animated GIFs like the ones we’ve posted here.


Inspirational reading for photographers: Brené Brown and Austin Kleon

2017-07-24T21:21:06-07:00By |Categories: Business, Point of View, Reviews, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

booksInspiration is something every creative we know has struggled with from time to time.  We’re the same and find it valuable to get out of the photography world and seek inspiration in various facets of our lives.  Whether it’s seeing a movie, going to a gallery opening or the ballet to reading a book.

Recently I saw my photographer friend Helena Price post about some books she […]

Impossible I-1 Masterclass and shooting tips

2017-07-24T21:21:07-07:00By |Categories: Point of View, Reviews|Tags: , , , , |

Impossible I-1 MasterclassWe sat in on the Impossible Project‘s I-1 Masterclass this morning to learn about some tips and provide feedback on the I-1 which we’ve been shooting now for over a month.  Our original review went over a few things that were directly addressed in the Masterclass including battery life, viewfinder use and more.

You […]

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