My First Favorite… beer
Several weeks ago, Steal Like an Artist was trending online and it’s a great perspective (read it if you haven’t yet).
One of the things I like to ‘steal’ are ideas from experiences. In the strictest sense this isn’t really stealing, but more like inspiration. However, when you travel a lot for shoots, you have opportunities to explore and get ideas. Between my two shoots in Texas last week […]
Productivity tools
As a growing business we’ve now got people in more than one location so we’ve been doing more and more remote collaboration to get things done. Some of the tools we love and how we use them are the subject of this post and hopefully they can help you out as well.
Lifehacker is a great website for tips and tricks – we subscribe to their RSS feed […]
First Exposures kills it!
Last Thursday was the benefit auction for the First Exposures mentoring program at SF Camerawork and the fundraiser raised over $60,000 – the biggest fundraiser to date! We had a packed house at the gallery and there was a lot of great work up. Alan Bamberger made an appearance as did a ton of others there to support the program. Having been a mentor for […]
Bike to Work Day photo booth at Public Works
We at Orange Photography are huge supporters of biking and while there’s been a lot of negative publicity of bikers in the news, we know that the majority of bikers are good people who follow the rules of the road and of course one of the biggest cycling days in San Francisco is Bike to Work Day. This year it’s on May 10th and we’re excited […]
Happy Earth Day week/end!
As a San Francisco Green Business we’ve always loved Earth Day and supported efforts to green our business as much as we can. In fact, we started out as a digital studio back in 2001 because we liked how digital wasn’t as chemically intensive as traditional film processing was. Anyhow, we’ve had a good Earth Day week so far, covering the Mayor’s Earth Day Breakfast on Wednesday and […]
America’s Cup Photos and Photo booths
view from on deck of the Oracle Race Team
We’ve already done a bit for the America’s Cup and are pretty excited for more events to photograph. We also have some special offerings including marine photo booth options and other cool ideas that can make America’s Cup events unique. Our Polaroid coverage is also pretty popular and we’ve been shooting Impossible Project film quite a […]
Slap Cancer with the San Francisco Giants!
Our Social Photography program has been in high gear of late and we’re excited to be a part of the Slap Cancer program. Slap Cancer Save Lives is Brianna Haag’s campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Woman of the Year. Man & Woman of the Year is a ten-week fundraising competition, and they are hosting a series of events to reach their ultimate fundraising […]