About jack

Co-Founder of Orange Photography. Dad and runner.

The Basics of Setting Up A Live Stream Presentation

2024-02-29T11:02:29-08:00By |Categories: News, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

With the world moving towards a more virtual, online presence, the capabilities to have an at-home production have come a long way.  Live streaming used to be a very limited and complex process that often yielded low-quality results. Now it's become easier than ever, but understanding everything that goes into it can still be overwhelming. So we've decided to put together a guide for beginners that provides an overview of the set-up. Afterwards you'll have a better idea what you need to get started and whether it's better to have a professional help you out. 

How Repurposing Content Can Increase Your ROI

2024-02-29T11:03:44-08:00By |Categories: News, Photography, Video|Tags: , , |

There's no doubt that content marketing for your company can be extremely time-consuming and labor intensive. Creating social media posts, blog entries, and email templates will drain up a lot of your energy over time, especially if you want it to be well-researched and effective. So what if there was a way to make this a lot easier without having to reinvent the wheel every time? It turns out repurposing content does exactly what you're looking for and can give you the highest level of return. 

Video: The Women’s Building – Impacting The Local Community

2024-03-03T14:48:45-08:00By |Categories: Giving Back, News, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

We’re so proud to have recently produced a video for The Women’s Building located in San Francisco! As a promotional video, it highlights the nonprofit organization’s presence in the community and the services they provide, especially for low-income women and their families. 

Setting Up Your Zoom Calls for Success

2020-05-15T17:13:59-07:00By |Categories: Business, News, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

As we all are adjusting to the quarantine orders from these COVID-19 restrictions, one thing that is certain to come out of this time is the rise of video conferencing. Whether it’s the popular Zoom application, or Google Hangouts/Meet, or Skype of any of the other platforms, we’re all learning how to navigate […]

The Events Industry in the Age of the Coronavirus

2024-03-03T14:50:38-08:00By |Categories: Business, Event, News, Photography, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

As we’ve all seen, events have been cancelled at an alarming rate over concern of the virus spreading exponentially. Organizers have canceled SXSW, many other festivals such as Coachella have either canceled or postponed their events. Huge annual conferences have been shut down altogether like E3, Facebook’s F8, the Game Developers Conference, Google’s Cloud Next, and many more. 

Proud Organizations Recognized at the SF Green Business Awards

2020-03-06T18:06:55-08:00By |Categories: Company, Event, News, Projects|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Orange Photography recognized as a SF Green Business.

We’re very proud to once again attend and sponsor the San Francisco Green Business Program’s award ceremony. The program, which itself is a part of the larger California Green Business Network, recognizes businesses that “are committed to making our communities and planet safer, cleaner, and sustainable for all” and meet high environmental standards. 

This year’s ceremony was held at the California Academy of Sciences. 


Coronavirus, International Prospects, and Optimism Highlight the SF Travel Marketing Conference

2020-03-06T12:43:55-08:00By |Categories: Event, News, Photography|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Marriott International’s Area General Manager John Kimball speaking at the SF Travel Marketing Conference. 
Last week we wrapped up a marketing conference by one of our valued sponsors, SF Travel! The event, held at Mission Bay’s Conference Center on UCSF’s beautiful campus, gathered leaders in the local hospitality industry to discuss the current state of travel and tourism to San Francisco as well as the latest trends. 


Video: Girls In Tech Gala

2024-02-29T04:38:09-08:00By |Categories: Giving Back, News, Projects, Video|Tags: , , , , |

We had the privilege of attending Girls in Tech’s 4th Annual Fundraising Gala and creating a highlight reel for the elegant occasion. Based in San Francisco, Girls in Tech is a nonprofit organization that “works to put an end to gender inequality in high-tech industries and startups… by educating and empowering women who are passionate about technology”. They offer innovative coding, entrepreneurial bootcamps, pitch competitions and conferences to over 62,000 members worldwide […]

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