Orange Runs Relay for Life

2017-07-24T21:21:08-07:00By |Categories: Company, Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , , |


Over this past weekend, Orange Photography had the pleasure of doing our part in the fight against cancer. Over the past couple months we’ve been raising money and planning our participation in the San Leandro Relay for Life.

If you aren’t familiar with Relay for Life, it is a 24-hour event that usually takes place on a […]

First Exposures Looking Forward, Giving Back benefit 2016

2017-07-24T21:21:08-07:00By |Categories: Company, Giving Back, Point of View|Tags: , , , |

2016-04-26 19.46.19Each year First Exposures holds its Looking Forward, Giving Back event to raise funds for the program.  It’s always a fun event where all of the mentees and mentors work lines the walls.  This year the event was held at SOMArts and a great crowd showed up to support this important program.  We […]

Instant Photography

2017-07-24T21:21:09-07:00By |Categories: Personal, Photography, Point of View, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |


For Christmas, my parents got me a bit of “light” reading, Andy Warhol Polaroids 1958-1987 by Richard Woodward. Okay, so there isn’t much text, but this behemoth of a coffee table book weighs about five pounds and opens to full page spreads of nothing other than Polaroids. I have noticed that despite the fact Polaroid no longer exists, […]

Spring at First Exposures

2017-07-24T21:21:09-07:00By |Categories: Giving Back, Photography, Point of View|Tags: , , |

A day out with First Exposures, a San Francisco-based, nationally recognized youth mentoring program that strives to make a major long-term difference in the lives of high-need, underserved San Francisco Bay Area youth by providing a venue for them to enhance their self-confidence, develop their creativity, and gain a passion for learning.

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